Does This Sound Like You?

I am super busy and need a Massage course I can do in my own time.

  • I value my time and I need to balance study with family and work.

  • I want to study with a School who has a track record.

  • I have lots of keen people already lined up wanting Massages.

Here's What You'll Learn

    1. A message from the instructor Richard Rust

    2. Course Navigation

    3. What You Need For This Therapeutic Massage Course

    4. What's Covered in This Course

    1. Massage Today

    2. Contraindications & Cautions

    3. The Language of Anatomy

    4. Body Systems - An Introduction

    5. Body Systems Quiz

    6. Massage Strokes

    7. Massage Strokes Quiz

    1. Table Set Up

    2. How To Assist Your Client To Turn Over

    1. Massage Training Steps

    2. Back, Neck, Shoulder Muscular Anatomy

    3. Back Neck Shoulder Massage Sequence

    4. Back, Neck, Shoulder Quiz

    1. Massage Training Steps - A Reminder

    2. Posterior Legs Muscular Anatomy

    3. Posterior Legs Massage Sequence

    4. Posterior Legs Quiz

    1. Massage training steps reminder

    2. Arms Muscular Anatomy Video

    3. Arms Massage Sequence

    4. Arms Quiz

About this course

  • $695.00
  • 44 lessons
  • 5 hours of video content


  • Test Your Learning

    The Course is designed with numerous quiz's so you get to review the information as you progress through the course. If you miss an answer the system will guide you back so you can repeat any quiz.

  • Your Massage Business

    Start your Massage journey with the knowledge that with full completion of this Course and the ONLINE Theory of Therapeutic Massage Course you will be suitably qualified to start your own Massage business.

  • Accomplishment

    You will get such a sense of accomplishment when you are able to Massage people and help them feel better and reduce or eliminate their pain - it is a wonderful gift.



  • How much time do I have to complete the course?

    From the time you sign up for the course you have one full year to complete the course.

  • Do I get a certificate for the course?

    On completion we will email students a Letter of Completion for this course. For the Certificate in Therapeutic Massage Online Course certification students need to fully complete this Course AND the ONLINE Theory of Therapeutic Massage Course.

  • I have never done Massage before - will this course be OK for me?

    Yes this course is suitable for those new to Massage and is also useful for those who have already done some Massage training.

  • Must I have a Massage Table for the course?

    Yes - the Massage sequences in this course are all done with the "client" on a Massage table. In our experience to get good body weight behind Massage strokes and to look after the health of the Massage Practitioner a Massage Table is essential.

  • How many Massage Hours/Practicums are required for this course?

    During the course, students practice each massage sequence, following the tutor, at least once with a 'client' on their massage table. After covering all the massage sequences, students are required to revisit each of the 5 different sequences and perform them three times. A confirmation statement is included in the course where students confirm these hours have been done - this covers an additional 15 hours of massage practice

  • Will there be any in-person meetings with the Instructor during the course?

    While in-person meetings are not part of the course, we value your progress and want to provide personalised support. As such, we have included an optional 15-minute Zoom session with the tutor. During this session, conducted via a pre-arranged Zoom call, the tutor will assess your biomechanics and provide valuable feedback. It's an excellent opportunity to fine-tune your techniques and receive tailored guidance

Student Testimonials

The course was excellent with lots of good content.

I found the course to be informative and thorough.

What really worked for me was being able to take my own time and do the course while still being able to stay in my city and go to work.


Instructor Extraordinare Richard Rust

Richard is a dedicated individual who is passionate about helping people achieve balance and reach their full potential. As well as being the founder and senior instructor of The Wellington School of Massage Therapy he also operates his Radiant Health Centre clinic, where he assists clients of all ages in living a life with reduced pain and improved overall well-being.

Richard's professional journey began with a strong foundation in full-contact Martial Arts. During his involvement in Martial Arts he found that Massage greatly enhanced recovery. Later he discovered that some clients were not achieving the desired results through Massage alone, which led him to seek out additional training and explore various modalities to enhance his therapeutic approach.

Throughout his learning journey Richard has had the opportunity to learn from accomplished experts in their respective fields, often referred to as Masters. These interactions and mentorships have inspired him greatly, and he aspires to pass on this inspiration to others, both clients and students.

Through his dedication, continuous learning, and commitment to teaching, Richard strives to make a positive impact on the lives of those he encounters, empowering them to achieve radiant health and live their lives to the fullest.

Work From Home

Many of our students have used our courses to get the skills they need to set up a home clinic. They tell us they like to be able to decide when they book clients and they find the flexibility works well with family demands.